Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Why my dad is great....

{This is my entry for the competition held by Brookside apartments community life at louisville Kentucky ...to enter my  fathers name "Dattatraya" in contest  why do you think ur father is great...fabulous and exiting theme on the occasion of fathers day..Thanks for hosting dear Jason and Janice...}

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The most important and influential person in my life is probably not even aware of the things he has taught me or of how much he has affected my existence.
This person has always been in my life, from the day I first opened my eyes to the present moment. This person is a teacher, a guide, and a source of strength and support for me. He is whom I look up to with loving trust and pride. With a willing hand to lend, he is a helper, an adviser and my partner in crime. He showed me the stars and taught me how to reach them. This person means the world to me, so who is this influential person in my life? of course I think you guessed it right!
He is my one and only father.

Dad, Father,Baba,Papa,Daddy,pitaji...You call him anything..they all mean the same. He is a man who gives immense love, care and protection. So with Fathers Day just around the corner what will be the most better and appropriate time to share thoughts and feelings regarding him...Fathers Day is a day to honor our dad.

Everybody writes about mom...you will find many poems,quotes,letters related to mom but there are very few who writes about dad...so I wholeheartedly thanks Brookside apartments community life group who gave us golden chance to think and write about our dad...I really loved the theme so very much that as soon as I received newsletter for june and checked for the events..I was trilled to see this one..I told my husband its just unavoidable...and for sure Iam going to write about my dad...

Good fathers are difficult to find. If you have a gem of a father and you wish to make him feel special, here is the great chance.I can say golden oppurtunity..because according to me..Any man can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a dad....

My dad is someone who holds me when I cry,is one who scolds me when I break the rules,is one who shines with pride when I succeed in my life,and has faith in me even when I fail may be in any situation...Thus My Dad is just plain awesome!

A dad cannot be defined in words still he is someone who wants to keep you from making mistakes but instead lets you find your own way by learning from your own mistakes...even though his heart breaks in silence when you get hurt.

A dad is someone who wants to catch you before you fall but instead picks you up,brushes you off,and lets you try again....thus is my dad.

He is the person who can always make me smile...Even when the world makes me cry or Even when he makes fun of me or laughs at me.He is one of the people who has always been there for me, one who has always loved, cared, about me.He is one of the two most important people in the world to me,one being my mama... Someone I LOVE with all my heart.

He only is the person who tells me everythings gonna be ok...even during hard times in my life.He is the one who has pretty good taste...a great leader and very creative person....His nature is God focused....believes in god...wise when he wants to be and very humble and inspiring.He has respect for his mom, the mark of a true man! and so also he is committed to my mom,sign of good nature...He is a great person in every aspect..and role model of mine.

I think rather everybody thinks that their dad is great and obviously I respect all dads in this universe...I take an oppurtunity to bow all the dad's in the world to seek their blessings...

My father acquired his life lessons by overcoming the adversities he faced boldly while growing up in mumbai.Imagine being 17 and on your own with no proper relatives...dont know where to stay comfortably..and no sufficient money... Years ago, that was my dad. Sad part was his father died when he was 10, he was so very young that he didnt understands anything properly...though he was not eldest among 5, he had to take care of his sisters being brother. Alone mother will look after how many? so my dad was sent at sis's place to stay...which he disliked...Finally, my dad decided to leave from that place. With few choices, somehow he got graduated joined good company, and worked as hard as he could so he would always have a steady job, a nice house, and a family. He wanted to continue with higher education but due to financial setbacks he could not...Not being able to obtain a full education has hindered him in his life. Because of this, he understands how important education is in order to succeed in life.At that moment only he decided that I will educate my daughter to full extent.

Having a dad like him has made me different from other people; with his assistance and advice, I set and meet my goals even today...

He thaught me good lesson of life, “Don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't do.Always listen to heart” No matter what the task is, he wanted me to know I could do it.He has taught me to face any situation in life with courage and determination...never to give up...and he was right and I.m glad that I followed his advice.

My dad helped form me into the person I'm now.He tells me that “the road leading up to success can be bitter, but its result is sweet.” His teachings have made me who I am today. He taught me that an individual or an ordinary person..doesn’t know everything we should have courage to admit our mistakes..

In life, I am faced with different roads. My dad helped me get on the one I continue on today. I know I am just at the beginning. There will be obstacles and unexpected turns. But there will always be my dad. Even at this time he is not physically here for me he is in INDIA and we in USA, his words won't leave my head.Iam really missing my dad a lot...My hardships are nothing compared to the hardships that my father went through in order to get me to where I am today.

My dad means a great deal to me. He is loving and kind, he listens, suggests, and defends. He has the strength of a mountain, and the wisdom of ages. He has taught me how to ride my bicycle....he only builded confidence in me that I can learn it easily..He has taught me to be confident but not over confident.

We used to share curd rice when I was kid.

Dads' really do make a huge difference in their daughter's lives. I remember when I use to think my daddy was a supper hero, and that he could do anything. I use to always say, "Daddy, fix it." It wasn't a question, it wasn't a request, it was a statement....I remember I used to love potato wafers a lot...everytime he used to bring them for me....and would say I will make miracle and bring it for you... And he always tried his hardest to fix whatever needed fixing.

He is great at playing carrom...I remember my childhood days..Anyone could hardly challenge him in playing carrom.once the stricker comes in his hand..then its gone all coins are his...and game is over..

He is very much interested in listening and reading news...Because of this he understands whats going on in the world.He used to force me and my sis to watch news during our school days instead of watching songs and movies on television.

His love towards disipline, is unimaginable...he is very puntual in life and hence would always scold us to be quick and reach our destination perfectly on time..during our school days..

He preached me most important thing in life that...admit when you are wrong, and so also dont get boasted when you are right but live your life to fullest.

Indeed his heart is almost as big as his head! also he thinks big. like, universe-size big!

My dad neither anchored to hold me back nor sailed with me continously in my life but I remember he is guilding light which showed me correct path that was always leading towards success.He showed me right way.

I remember that during every walk rather step of life he was always with me...be it first day of school,college or even office.Even I remember vividly those days he would stand in long queue for railway pass booking or filling forms for my admissions in various fields...thanks a lot papa I think I have troubled you a lot....

My Dad has always supported me, especially on the most important day of my life!...during my marriage...I still remmember that he was the only person who cried a lot when I was about to leave my old life and to enter new challenging phase of life...new birth.

I think the bond between a dad and child especially daughter is a unique one that needs special care and attention.
Me and my dad shares a special bond. My dad always treat me as princess. It is no wonder that fathers are extremely protective of their daughters.

There's always something like a line of golden thread running through my dad's words when he talks to me, and gradually over the years its getting to be lengthened for me to pick it up in my hands and weave into a cloth that gives me feeling of love itself.

Father's really are wonderful people.He is such a person...that When he leads..masses follows him..he is DEFINITELY a people person!He focuses on the good in people, and is very good at bringing it out in them.Because of his good nature there are a lot of people who loves him..so also there are a lot of people he loves I have never met someone who doesn’t like him.As always he is down to earth...which one is the best part of all.

Working fathers face a unique challenge. He is trying to do it all. Carefully balancing work life with our home life.He knows that all of the working parts of a system need care, or else the whole thing messes up!Likewise he takes care of his family members.He cares about even the smallest things!He knows that life has value...

My father seems to be the one to pay the bills, while mother binds up the little hurts. My father struggles daily to live up to "his image" as the protector, provider, and hero. Perhaps that's why my father doesn't seem to be emotional. But, if you look deep down in his heart, you will find that he's sentimental and "soft". But, he's too busy to prove that, because he's too caught up everyday in the race of life. That's the only reason my dad aspires to fortune and success, to make his family proud of him, and bring us happiness.

There are times when it seems I need him most, when he seems like the only person who could stop my tears, mend my broken heart, make things better, to tell me everything will be alright, or even when I just need someone to comfort me,but sometimes he's not there. He's busy working. I know that he regrets times choosing work over these things. And at certain times I think to myself, how could he choose to not care for me"! And those moments in time hurt the most.

Knowing that he chooses not to be there for me, its not that he cant, its his choice.Coming up now we have spent almost 25 years together. 25 breathtaking years, in which my dad has done everything in his power to make sure I've always had everything I needed, everything I could ever want.Everytime he used to think that he didnt get that in his life...but my daughter should get it all...

But what he didn't know was that what I needed most, could not be bought for me, and didn't cost any money. As hard as it may be to believe money doesn't buy love and happiness. He did not have the best of childhoods that a kid growing up should have. So, he made a promise that if he ever decided to have children he would never let them grow up the way he did. He wanted to be able to protect his children from all the hate in the world.such divine was his thaught.

I am grateful and proud to be able to call this wonderful man my dad...

My father also influences the way I approach life. I have gained not only knowledge, but have applied his teachings to my life. Because of the example he has set for me, my father has provided the steppingstone I need to achieve my goals so that I can lead a happy and successful life. He gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person; he believed in me so also still belives in me Iam really very thankful to him.

He may not be a firefighter, an astronaut or a brain surgeon – he is a simple man – yet he has left the greatest impact on me. My father is the individual who has influenced me the most and is the greatest gift I have ever received.Because of these innumerable reasons I think my dad is great...

Listen my sweet heart DAD,
When i was born,You were there to catch me when i fall, whenever and wherever.
When i said my first words,You were there for me,to teach me the whole dictionary if need be.
When i took my first steps,You were there to encourage me on.
When i had my first day at school,you were there to give me advice.
I know you will be there for me through all these times and more, the good and bad.
So i just wrote this to say 'I LOVE YOU DAD!!!'

Thus he is one of my favorite people in the universe!
He is my friend,my hero, but most importantly he is my...


I Love you dad!

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