Monday, November 19, 2012

Letter to husband on 3rd wedding anniversary....

Today is my three year wedding anniversary with my wonderful husband, So I wanted to take some time to thank him for everything he has done for me and continues to do for me.The simplest way of expressing love to him is by penning down a beautiful love letter conveying all my heartfelt emotions.He may not always think so, but I love him fiercely and appreciate everything he does for our little family.

Hope This trick will work excellently in our wedding life to keep the flame of love burning with love. If you are also planning to surprise your husband with a sweet gift like me then, like this letter will serve your purpose in the best way....

I will say, the moment I met him for first time, is as fresh in my memory as when it happened.I hope that I will always be able to remember it this way!It seems like an eternity ago when I first heard his voice on the other end of the phone line. A short time after that first phone conversation, we met and the rest is history. I didn’t know that after marriage god will immediately gift us with a beautiful baby boy, but I’m sure glad that God had that planned for us.Every day since then has been simply amazing and different.We don’t have a fairy tale romance and our life isn’t perfect.We fight and argue sometimes, but we get through it and at the end of the day we love each other and that’s all that matters. I’m not sure what the future holds for us, but at least we will experience it together.

I just want to thank you for the things you do.  You work so hard to support our family and I just want you to know that even though I may not say it, I do appreciate it.

Thank you.For being my husband, for being a hard worker, for being supportive, and most importantly, being a wonderful father to our son.He adores you and that makes me love you even more.

Dear hubby,

I clearly remember...When I was a little girl, I played make believe.

I pretended to cook and clean and to be a Mamma to my baby dolls. (I did not role play walking around Walmart with a screaming toddler,because there are some things that you must experience to truly appreciate).
But in my naive mind, I imagined a man, a husband. He was brave and strong and very handsome.And he loved me.
It was a dream.
And some might call this a silly fairy tale or the immature longings of a girl.....
But I call it my life....real truth of life...
Because you are the man of my dreams.
You are the first to hold me when I am afraid.
You are my encourager when I doubt myself.
You are the one who made me a Mother.
You are also the one who still leaves his clothes on the floor. he he he.. (Just keeping it real).

Now I am not a little girl anymore. I am a woman and you are a man.
But I can’t help but think of the things I didn't dream about….
I didn't dream that I would hear my husband praying over me, feeling sad when doctor informed me that I suffer badly with hail lot of things.....
I didn't dream that my husband would take care of my baby far more than me besides working in office for hours together...
I didn't dream that my husband would face his own personal battle without uttering a single unwanted word to me even though I get angry on him "n" number of times for silly reasons....
I didn't dream that my man would be an angel for me, delivering sweet tea in my moments of need....

Today is our 3rd anniversary..And more than anything, I want you to know that I love you more than I ever dreamed.
You are a man among men.You stand out as you lead our family.You are my heart, my life, my best friend, my soul mate.
You are unique and beautiful.
And you are mine.

Happy 3rd anniversary dear... I cried today and felt shameful regarding my everyday irritating behaviour with u still how can u be so very nice and kind hearted person ever met....
And this reason alone, makes you a hero in my world. I am so proud of you.
Thank you for making my dreams come true....

Here’s to many more wonderful anniversaries together.

I love you.
I love you because you make me smile.
I love you because your eyes shine when you look at me.
I love you because you mean the world to me.
I love you because every time I look your way my heart misses a beat.
I love you because without you I would be lost.
I love you because you have taught me the true meaning of love.
I love you because you are you. I love you because..........

Truth is I could fill a million pages of reasons I love you, but I rather be spending that time with you.

You are the man beyond my dreams, the man I wanted to marry, the man I would marry again, the first one I think about when I wake up and the last one I think about when I go to bed.

Thank you for being there with me through the very thick and thin moments of life, I cannot imagine a life without you.

Thank you for always being by my side through life creating journey's we will some day tell to our kids as big adventures.. I know when I need someone you will be there. Thank you for being the one I can count on and trust with even my darkest fears and biggest dreams. I would pick no one besides you to be my partner in life.---thanku for being there 4 me!

As the years go by, I stop and think about all the memories we've made, the good times we've shared and the love between us that keeps growing. You are a blessing from above - one that I do not take for granted. I thank you for all the things that you've done for me and the kid. Not only are you a wonderful husband, you're a terrific father, provider and caregiver. You give so freely to all those you know in such a loving way. Your generosity is inspiring! I love you, .. more than words, more than life. I'm forever grateful for your love and proud to be your wife.

Yours and only yours...


  1. this is most amazing u dear wify....i wish i could have been such a proficient writter....but anyways thats why we have greeting card for ;-)
    lets enjoy this evening together....

  2. Thanx a lot for sweet u tones!


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